How to network when you can’t network?

The recording of this event is available here for MRII members.


Webinar with Kingsley Aikins, Chief Executive Officer at The Networking Institute.

This workshop has been designed for MRII members and industry colleagues and friends who now find themselves unable to network in person. You now have an opportunity to rethink and widen your network. We are in for a period of significant disruption and turbulence but also one of great opportunity. Key is not to get down but to get ready and to see this period of enforced isolation as a time to prepare for the next exciting phase. As the old Irish phrase goes “When business is down that’s when you paint the shop”.

The session will include:

  • Why Networking is now more important than ever.
  • How do you Network when you can’t Network.
  • Characteristics of great Networkers.
  • The importance of personal branding.
  • The 4 step process to building a strong and diverse Network.

Why should you attend?

  • Networking is a key soft skill that you don’t learn at school or college.
  • Your future career will depend as much on relationships as anything else.
  • You need to audit your network to assess how good it is.
  • Life is a ‘game of inches’ and your Network can be the difference maker.
Get your best Zoom outfit ready! This workshop will be delivered online via Zoom. Kingsley will speak for 45 minutes and then participants will be allocated to a breakout rooms. 
All participants will receive two publications, 50 Networking Tips and a Networking Resource document (which includes a recommended reading list).