1. When and where is the next sitting of the MRII Examination?

The date of the next sitting of the MRII Examination will be Saturday, 1 March 2025.
Students will sit the exam in The Exam Centre, 30/31 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1,

09.45am – 11.15am Paper 1
11.15am – 11.30am Break
11.30am – 13.00pm Paper 2

2. How do I apply?

Student members of the MRII can apply from this website. Applications for student membership can also be made from this website.  A non-member of the MRII cannot apply for the MRII Examination. Examination applications close on November 30th.

3. What do I need to study?

Please see here for what is required for each of the 5 examination application options. Choose a Purchase Option from the drop down list to view full details.

4. How long is the Examination?

There are 2 papers, each 1.5 hours.

5. Is there extra time allowed if a candidate does not finish the paper within 1.5 hours?

No extra time is given for a candidate, unless in special circumstances (e.g. a dyslexic candidate which must be discussed and confirmed with the examiner (and MRII Examination Sub Committee) prior to the examination day. The Examination is designed to be completed well inside the allocated time.

6. How are the papers divided?

Paper One – 150 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s), two main sections:
Section 1: The Industry (75 questions).
Section 2: Introductory Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, BioPharmacology, Immunology and Microbiology (75 questions).

Basic anatomy and physiology:
Introduction to the human body: nervous system, circulatory system, endocrine system, respiratory system, musculo-skeletal system, digestive system, cardiovascular and circulatory system, urinary system, reproductive system, skin, eye, ear, nose, throat, taste and smell

Pharmacology and BioPharmacology:
Source and classification of drugs; absorption, detoxification and excretion of drugs; dosage and adverse reaction to drugs.

Microbiology, Immunity and Vaccines:
Classification of Micro-organisms, description (morphology) of bacteria and viruses, immunity and vaccines.

Paper Two – 150 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s)

Disease Processes/Disorders (plus Drugs/Treatment and main surgical aspects) of:
– digestive system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– musculo-skeletal system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– respiratory system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– circulatory system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– nervous system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– urinary system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– endocrine system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– reproductive system (9-11 MCQ’s)
– viruses and vaccines (9-11 MCQ’s)
– skin (5-6 MCQ’s)
– eye (5-6 MCQ’s)
– ear (5-6 MCQ’s)
– nose and nasopharynx (5-6 MCQ’s)
– pharynx and throat (5-6 MCQ’s)
– disease and general terminology (9-11 MCQ’s)

N.B. Overlap (in terms of subject material) exists between different questions.

7. Are past papers available?

There are no past papers available, as the number of questions available are finite. However, there are sample questions available here. These questions are also available at the back of the syllabus and are actual questions from the database.

8. What is required to achieve a Pass Mark?

40% will be required on each paper to pass. The overall mark is the average of the two papers. You cannot compensate between the two papers.

9. Can someone from outside the industry sit the examination?

Yes, membership of the MRII is open to those who are working as, or seeking to work as, Healthcare Industry Representatives in Ireland. Any student member can sit the examination.

10. Are there special arrangements for dyslexic candidates?

Yes, but we require proof of dyslexia in advance (a GP letter), at least 2 months before the examination. An extra half hour per paper will be allocated to the dyslexic candidate.

11. How many times can I sit the examination?

The examination is held once a year, usually in March. You can sit the examination as often as you wish.

12. What happens if I fail to pass the examination within two years?

If you fail to pass the examination within two years, it would be at your company’s discretion as to how long they will give you to pass the examination.

13. If I pass the MRII Examination do I become a Full Member of the MRII?

Yes, you automatically become a Full Member on passing the examination and you may use the initials MMRII after your name.

14. What is the pass rate?

The overall pass rate is around 90%.

15. How much work is involved in studying for the examination?

On average, candidates are advised to study the syllabus over a period of three to five months. Ideally, you should purchase the syllabus as soon as possible.  We do recommend at least 4 months if you are studying a chapter a week, depending on your background.

16. Are there trick questions?

No! The questions are ‘multiple-choice’ where you select the correct answer/answers from four options. There is negative marking, but only to zero. You cannot get a minus mark for any question.

17. Who compiles the examination questions?

Prof. Brendan O’Connor, Senior Lecturer, DCU.

18. When will I receive the results?

Each candidate will receive their results personally, by post, within two weeks of the examination.

19. Who receives the results?

Results are sent solely to examination candidates. No information is sent to companies.

20. When do I get my Certificate?

Certificates are presented to candidates at the MRII National Conference.

21. Is there a prize for first place?

Yes, the Dr B.D. Place Medal, supported by the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA), is presented to the candidate with the highest overall mark. This medal is presented to the successful candidate at the MRII National Conference.

22. How much does it cost?

MRII Membership Fee €160 per year for students. €170 per year for Full/Associate Members. Examination Syllabus and Examination Fee €549.

Apply here for membership.

23. Is there a study day?

No. Generally, the syllabus content does not present conceptual difficulties. You can at all times during your preparation contact the MRII Examiners or Examination Sub-Committee for assistance with any query you may encounter. You should do so by email to info@mrii.ie

24. Can I defer my examination application?

Yes, but this must be done within the date advised (approximately one month out from the exam day). After this date a charge applies. Your examination fee can be carried over for one year. If costs to hold the examination increase the following year, you will be charged that additional amount. There will also be a charge for the provision of updated materials. You will need to re-apply.